Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"Today is special." That's what she had said. She hadn't bothered to explain, but one could hardly miss her meaning. To her, it was a special day. Amy doubted it. She had always had arguments with her mother. And, more often than not, they were never resolved. They would continue shouting at each other until they could only agree on not wishing to see each other's face again, then they would go off into opposite rooms and close their doors. Amy would always slam her door as hard as she could, practically rattling it off of its hinges. One time, it had actually fallen off: thereby causing yet another argument. As for her darling mother, she never slams her door. The woman is as quiet as a titmouse. One could hardly believe that the minuscule-little heart of her hasn’t simply stopped by now. Surely, such a puritanical soul would not be much longer for this world. And now, she was piping about how simply SPECIAL today was. Imagine that!

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